Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dorm Room Success.

Being in college was an unexpected experience. Truth be told, I never expected to go to college when I grew up. My parents often told us stories of people who reached success without college (which made sense, as they were not college graduates themselves).
So as I found myself within first dorm room I lived in, just days before school started, a sense of apprehension gripped my being. It seemed sparse, it seemed foreign. It had no familiar elements, no crayon marks on the wall from when I was five, no pictures or posters on the walls.

College can be a stressful experience. The classes that you take will be the least of your worries. You'll have to worry about schedules conflicting, the homework, the social interactions and trying to figure out how to take the amount of notes needed to complete the classes without killing yourself. In the midst of all of this, the last thing you want is for you to run out of something that will throw off your evening.

This means you need to be aware of the many things needed for a successful college semester. This seems like an appropriate time to give you the first of many lists. These lists will walk you through the needed items to make your first college semester memorable, in a good way.

David's 5 most important things for the college dorm room.

#5. Bedding. There is nothing worse than showing up to college, only to find out that you don't have anything to sleep on. Of course, the mattress is provided by the college, so thats one thing down, but you need sheets, blankets, pillows, whatever catches your fancy. Also remember that dorm rooms don't always have the best temperature control, so have light blankets for summer, and thick comforters and quilts for winter times.

#4. Coffee Makers. Not just any coffee maker either. You will have long nights, that you will be staying up studying, and coffee is a must. You can't be certain that there will be a coffee shop anywhere near, so being able to make your own will allow you to get things done quicker. Many dorm rooms don't allow Coffee makers that have warmers, so try to find one with a warmer that can be switched off (and still allow the coffee to be created), or better yet, get a coffee maker without one.

#3. Microwave. Lets face it, the cafeteria isn't exactly the most exciting place to eat. Many times, you are going to want to stay in your room, and just make something to much on. Nachos, Popcorn, Ramen Noodles. These things become staples for the college student, but without a microProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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ve, things get lot trickier to make.

#2. Groceries. Now that you have a Microwave, and a Coffeemaker, it would probably be a good idea to get groceries. Most dorms will have a little cabinet of some sort, for groceries to be stored. While this isn't necessarily the ideal location to store food, because dorm roommates may steal the food you purchase, it will certainly suffice. Make sure to get plenty of college staples.

#1. Locking boxes. Dorm rooms have an unfortunate lack of space, so having boxes that can easily slide under your bed, will work well for you. You can place your food, and valuables within these boxes to prevent theft, scavenging, and to avoid unpleasant disagreements about what belongs to whom. Since you are probably going to be sharing a room with complete strangers, its never a bad idea to be safe. Just as good fences make good neighbors, locked boxes make good roommates.

So there you have it, if you want to make things easier on yourself, while in the dorm rooms, abide by this list, obtain these items, it can not only make things easier for you, but also those that you live with.

-- David --

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